An Android Wear OS Framework forSensor Data and Network Interfaces
Wearable devices like smartwatches conquer themarket and simplify our everyday life. Mostly, these devices areconnected to our mobile phones, helping us to make communica-tion easier and faster. However, wearable devices feature plentyof sensors and network interfaces that are mostly unused. Thus,the question arises on how to use this potential to improve thefunctionality and user experience of handset applications.This paper presents a framework for the Android operat-ing system which enables us to retrieve information from thewearable device and store and use it on the handheld device.The primary focus lies on sensor and network interfaces, andas a result, this information can be considered for furthercomputations. We offer the framework as an Android librarywhich can be included in all Android projects.We evaluate the framework by conducting network perfor-mance tests as well as tests regarding CPU, memory and batteryusage, and achieve promising results. Concluding, we can saythat the wearable technology offers lots of opportunities forpresent and future Android projects. Due to the different typesof framework services, we achieve the goal of providing a broadbase of information that can be utilized by all developers.
Today, there are many wearable devices on the market whichsimplify our everyday life. This technology includes deviceslike activity trackers, smart glasses, and smartwatches. Mostly,these devices are connected to our smartphone, helping us tomake communication in our public life easier and faster.Wearable devices feature an abundance of sensors andnetwork interfaces that mostly remain unchallenged. Thisis due to the habits of an average user which are mainlycharacterized by getting notifications of incoming messagesor receiving weather news. Thus, the question arises how touse a wearable device’s hidden potential, mainly to improvethe functionality and user experience of handset applications.Furthermore, this research will try to explore the possibilitiesand limits current wearable devices bring to be able to assesstheir capabilities.To this end, the idea came up to design a solution that makesit possible to use corresponding wearable functions efficiently.The design should enable developers and users to accesswearable interfaces and sensors remotely via mobile phone.The so far unchallenged wearable should thus become a newsource of information from which we can obtain additionaldata. Using this additional data raises the possibility to developnew functions and improve existing ones on the mobile phone.We motivate the realization of this idea by the challenges inour network applicationopptain[4].opptainis an applicationfor Android that uses Opportunistic Networking [7] for localdata exchange.opptainmanages its data exchange betweenclients via Wi-Fi. If a network node is a hotspot in thenetwork, it can only accept incoming requests but not scanfor available participants at the same time; and if two hotspotsmeet, they will not see each other. A problem is the Wi-Fichip on Android devices, which can only either be hotspotor client at the same time. With the help of a second Wi-Fimodule, the one in the wearable device, we can solve thisproblem. In general, the framework creates a solid base ofinformation generated by our wearable. We can use thisinformation for similar problems without being limited toWi-Fi or specific topics like Opportunistic Networking. Acommon field of research is the use of the wearables’ bodysensors [2]. These can be used to monitor vital signs ofpatients and automatically call for help in emergencies.Code Shoppy
The contribution of this work is a library that can beintegrated into present and future Android projects. Theintuitive usage of this framework allows future developersto focus on realizing their idea rather than dealing withimplementation difficulties to gain desired data. Theimplementation allows the user to access network interfacesand sensor and control element functions of the wearableand to transfer corresponding data to the mobile application.Through the various services that can be accessed, we createa broad information base on the side of the mobile phonewhich can be involved in future computation. This additionalknowledge enables the user to make better decisions thatfinally improve the usability and functionality of the mobileapplication itself. Considering that most customer complainsaddress functionality problems or functionality request [6],the need for our framework is emphasized.
Wearable devices like smartwatches conquer themarket and simplify our everyday life. Mostly, these devices areconnected to our mobile phones, helping us to make communica-tion easier and faster. However, wearable devices feature plentyof sensors and network interfaces that are mostly unused. Thus,the question arises on how to use this potential to improve thefunctionality and user experience of handset applications.This paper presents a framework for the Android operat-ing system which enables us to retrieve information from thewearable device and store and use it on the handheld device.The primary focus lies on sensor and network interfaces, andas a result, this information can be considered for furthercomputations. We offer the framework as an Android librarywhich can be included in all Android projects.We evaluate the framework by conducting network perfor-mance tests as well as tests regarding CPU, memory and batteryusage, and achieve promising results. Concluding, we can saythat the wearable technology offers lots of opportunities forpresent and future Android projects. Due to the different typesof framework services, we achieve the goal of providing a broadbase of information that can be utilized by all developers.
Today, there are many wearable devices on the market whichsimplify our everyday life. This technology includes deviceslike activity trackers, smart glasses, and smartwatches. Mostly,these devices are connected to our smartphone, helping us tomake communication in our public life easier and faster.Wearable devices feature an abundance of sensors andnetwork interfaces that mostly remain unchallenged. Thisis due to the habits of an average user which are mainlycharacterized by getting notifications of incoming messagesor receiving weather news. Thus, the question arises how touse a wearable device’s hidden potential, mainly to improvethe functionality and user experience of handset applications.Furthermore, this research will try to explore the possibilitiesand limits current wearable devices bring to be able to assesstheir capabilities.To this end, the idea came up to design a solution that makesit possible to use corresponding wearable functions efficiently.The design should enable developers and users to accesswearable interfaces and sensors remotely via mobile phone.The so far unchallenged wearable should thus become a newsource of information from which we can obtain additionaldata. Using this additional data raises the possibility to developnew functions and improve existing ones on the mobile phone.We motivate the realization of this idea by the challenges inour network applicationopptain[4].opptainis an applicationfor Android that uses Opportunistic Networking [7] for localdata exchange.opptainmanages its data exchange betweenclients via Wi-Fi. If a network node is a hotspot in thenetwork, it can only accept incoming requests but not scanfor available participants at the same time; and if two hotspotsmeet, they will not see each other. A problem is the Wi-Fichip on Android devices, which can only either be hotspotor client at the same time. With the help of a second Wi-Fimodule, the one in the wearable device, we can solve thisproblem. In general, the framework creates a solid base ofinformation generated by our wearable. We can use thisinformation for similar problems without being limited toWi-Fi or specific topics like Opportunistic Networking. Acommon field of research is the use of the wearables’ bodysensors [2]. These can be used to monitor vital signs ofpatients and automatically call for help in emergencies.Code Shoppy
The contribution of this work is a library that can beintegrated into present and future Android projects. Theintuitive usage of this framework allows future developersto focus on realizing their idea rather than dealing withimplementation difficulties to gain desired data. Theimplementation allows the user to access network interfacesand sensor and control element functions of the wearableand to transfer corresponding data to the mobile application.Through the various services that can be accessed, we createa broad information base on the side of the mobile phonewhich can be involved in future computation. This additionalknowledge enables the user to make better decisions thatfinally improve the usability and functionality of the mobileapplication itself. Considering that most customer complainsaddress functionality problems or functionality request [6],the need for our framework is emphasized.
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